Friday, October 11, 2024

MBMC Abhidhamma Day 2024

Date: 17 October 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 8pm - 10pm
Venue: MBMC, Shine Hall

Dear brothers & sisters in the dhamma,

In the blink of an eye, the three months of the Vassa (rainy retreat) are about to come to an end, aligning with the end of the Vassa, it's a time for reflection on wisdom and the deeper teachings of the Buddha. 

According to Theravada tradition, it was during the Vassa period that the Buddha ascended to Tavatimsa Heaven to teach the Abhidhamma to his mother. He spent the three months of Vassa there, giving discourses on the profound teachings of the Abhidhamma.

At the end of Vassa, the Buddha is said to have descended from Tavatimsa Heaven to Earth. His return is commemorated as Abhidhamma Day, marking the conclusion of this period of teaching. 

Therefore, all devotee are invited to join us to celebrate this holy and auspicious day. Join us in Abhidhamma chanting and candle lighting. Anyone is interested in donation for candle lighting ceremony, please register:

Monday, September 30, 2024

Year End 9 Days Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation Retreat

Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation
Year End 9-Day Special Retreat 

Period: 21 - 29 December 2024

(Priority will be given to yogis who can attend full retreat.)

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email & required: 

  • to check-in before 10am on 21 December 2024 (Saturday)
  • to check-out at 4pm on 29 December 2024 (Sunday), after the Successful Ceremony.

Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda

Yogi Application Form:

Closing Date: 15 October 2024 or when application is full.



Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre
(A Centre for Vipassana Intensive Retreat)
355, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-2401698

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

MBMC 3D2N Metta Meditation Retreat on National Day 2024

Metta Meditation
(3 Days 2 Nights Retreat)

Date: 14 - 16 Sep 2024
Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda
Closing Date: 1 Sep 2024 or when application is full.

(Priority will be given to yogis who can attend full retreat.)

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email & required:

  • to check-in before 10am on 14 Sep 2024 (Saturday) 
  • to check-out at 4pm on 16 Sep 2024 (Monday, a public holiday), after the Successful Ceremony.

Please submit Yogi Application Form:

Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre
(A Centre for Vipassana Intensive Retreat)

355, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-2401698 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

MBMC Kathina Day 2024

MBMC Kathina Eve 2024

3D2N Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation for Beginners (Merdeka Day) 2024

Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation

Intensive Retreat for Beginners 
Period: 30 Aug - 1 Sep 2024 (3 Days 2 Nights)
Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda

(Priority will be given to yogis who can attend full retreat.)

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email & required to check-in before 10am on 30 Aug 2024 (Friday) & check-out at 4pm on 1 Sep 2024 (Sunday) after Successful Ceremony.

Please submit your registration form:
Closing Date: 16 Aug 2024 or when application is full.

Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre

(A Centre for Vipassana Intensive Retreat)
355, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-2401698 

Friday, August 2, 2024

MBMC Vassa Pindapata

Dear all devotees,

Please come to join our weekly pindapata program during these 3 months Vassa period. You can bring along your rice for the offering. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

MBMC Pai Kong Mah (7th Lunar)

 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma, 

Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre (MBMC) will be holding a "Pai Kong Mah" at the meditation centre at 11am on 11 August 2024 in conjunction with the 7th Lunar month.

"Pai Kong Mah" will enable us to remember our departed parents, relatives and friends during festive seasons and recall the kindness they had shown us while they were alive. 

We offer food to the monks and share the merits accrued to the departed one wishing for their well-being and happiness. You may take part in the "Pai Kong Mah" by donating online to MBMC Maybank account no. 507246185533. Please forward the online receipt, your name and the name of the departed one to our email address : 

WhatsApp to MBMC office hp no. +60127929355 

Please also state the purpose "Pai Kong Mah" 



MBMC Maybank 户口号码 507246185533. 

请把线上过账收据、您的名字、往生者的名字发至 :

WhatsApp 至 MBMC 办公手提电话号码 +60127929355 


Donation form

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation (Vassa 2024)

MBMC 2024 Vassa Intensive Retreat

Period: (21 July - 17 Oct 2024)

Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda 

Yogi Application Form:

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email.

Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre
(A Centre for Vipassana Intensive Retreat)
355, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-2401698

Sunday, May 5, 2024

MBMC June Special Retreat (1 - 27 June 2024)

June Special Retreat 
Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation
Period: 1 - 27 June 2024
(Priority will be given to yogis who can attend full retreat.)

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email & required to check-in before
2pm on 1 Jun 2024 (Saturday) & check-out at 2pm on 27 Jun 2024 (Thursday).

Meditation Teacher
Venerable Sayadaw U Nyanavudha

Closing Date: 15 May 2024 or when application is full.

Yogi Application Form


Sunday, March 10, 2024

4D3N Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation Retreat (for Beginner)

Date: 28 - 31 March 2024 
Venue: MBMC, Penang 
Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda 

 Closing Date: 22 Mar 2024 or when application is full. 

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email & required to check-in before 2pm on 28 March 2024 (Thursday) & check-out at 4pm on 31 March 2024 (Sunday) after Successful Ceremony. 


Monday, February 26, 2024

MBMC 10 Days Satipatthana VIpassana Meditation Retreat (5 - 14 Apr 2024)

A Special 10-Day Retreat in April 2024 for Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation (Priority will be given to yogis who can attend full retreat.)

Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda
Period: 5 Apr 2024 to 14 Apr 2024
Check-in: 5pm, 5 Apr 2024 (Friday)
Check-out: 4pm, 14 Apr 2024 (Sunday)

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email
Yogi Application Form:

Friday, February 16, 2024

MBMC 2024 Weekly Sunday Abhidhamma Class

MBMC upcoming Abhidhamma Class conducted by Sayadaw Pannananda. 

Date: Every Sunday (1st class start on 25 Feb 2024)

Time: 9.45am to 10.45am

Venue: Mudita Room

Limited for 30 participants, please submit your registration form:

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

MBMC Special Year-end 10-Day Retreat

Special 10-Day Retreat

Period: 23 Dec 2023 - 1 Jan 2024
(Priority will be given to yogis who can attend full retreat.)

Meditation Teacher: Venerable Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda

ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email & required to check-in on 22 Dec 2023 (Friday) & check-out after Successful Ceremony on 1 Jan 2024 (Monday).

Yogi Application Form:

Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre
(A Centre for Vipassana Intensive Retreat)
355, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-2401698


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Special 2-Week Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation Retreat

Period: 8 - 20 July 2023
Meditation Teacher: Sayadaw U Pannathamibhivamsa7
Venue: MBMC
Check-in: 7 July 2023 (Friday)
Check-out: 21 July 2023 (Friday)

Kindly submit your registration form at
Please take note only ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

MBMC Special 12-Day Satipatthana Meditation Retreat

Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre (MBMC), Penang is pleased to announce that Sayadaw Ashin Kumarra will be at our Centre during the upcoming school holidays.

MBMC is inviting interested yogis to apply for intensive retreat under the guidance of Sayadaw Ashin Kumarra (29 May - 9 Jun 2023) at MBMC.

Yogis, please visit MBMC website & submit your online application through the following link:

Kindly take note only ACCEPTED yogis will be informed through email.

ACCEPTED yogis are required to report & check-in 1 day earlier on 28 May 2023 (Sunday).

Sunday, April 9, 2023

MBMC Wesak Day 2023 Candle Lighting Donation

Please submit your donation form with your proof of payment as attachment via (Only support picture/photo of proof of payment, do not attach PDF)

Saturday, April 8, 2023

MBMC Wesak Day Meditation Retreat 22 April - 2 May 2023

Date: 22 Apr - 2nd May 2023
Venue: MBMC
Meditation Teacher: Sayadaw Ashin Kumarra from Vipassana Meditation Centre (VMC), Singapore

Yogi is encouraged to continue his/her self-practice until 4 May 2023 (Wesak Day) after the 10 days meditation retreat. Please submit your online application through the following link:

Monday, March 27, 2023

MBMC 2 Weeks Meditation Retreat 2023

Date: 29 March - 9 April 2023 
Venue: MBMC 
Conducted by: Sayadaw Ashin Kumarra from Vipassana Meditation Centre (VMC), Singapore

Interested yogis, please visit submit your online application through the following link:

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

MBMC 10-DAY Meditation Retreat 2023

Interested yogis, please visit MBMC website & submit your online application through the following link:

Sunday, October 30, 2022

MBMC 2022 Year-end 10-Day Meditation Retreat

10-Day Intensive Retreat by Sayadaw Ashin Nandasiddhi

Venue: MBMC
Date: 22 - 31 December 2022

The retreat is almost full, please submit your application ASAP if you are interested to take this opportunity to practice & train under the guidance of a knowledgeable & experienced meditation teacher ~ Sayadaw Ashin Nandasiddhi.

Yogi Application Form: